is a manga series by Japanese author Masami Kurumada, later adapted to anime. It tells the story of sword legends and rivalry between ninja clans. The main character Kojirō is a young boy who is a member of the Fūma clan. On June 1, 1989, an OVA was released featuring animation character designs by Michi Himeno and Shingo Araki. In 2003, Masami Kurumada authored an additional short story titled . The story was illustrated by artist Sōtarō Yuri, who imitated Kurumada's drawing style for consistency with the already published volumes of the original manga. On October 3, 2007, a tokusatsu drama adaptation began airing on Tokyo Metropolitan Television starring Ryouta Murai in the lead role of Kojirō. The opening theme was "Ryūsei Rocket" performed by An Cafe and the ending theme was performed by On/Off. ==Plot== Hakuō Academy used to be a prestigious high school, and famous for martial arts. However, because its rival school Seishikan has been cowardly luring its superior students, Hakuō was going to decline. In order to recover from the situation, the acting principal of Hakuō; Himeko Hōjō, sends Ranko Yagyū to the Fūma village in search of the famous Fūma ninja clan for assistance. The leader of the Fūma sent Kojirō to Hakuō, there he faces the notorious Yasha clan who fights for Seishikan led by Musashi Asuka. Kojirō's comrades arrive, resuming an all-out ninja war that began five centuries ago. Kojirō with his friends, will fight in the "war of the sacred swords", for the conquest of the 10 swords that give the power to rule over the whole world. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Fūma no Kojirō」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク